San Joaquin River DOTMDL -- Technical Working Group

Resources - Reports

A Comparison of Fall Stockton Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Years with Low, Moderate, and High Inflows Stephen Hayes, Jeannie Lee, December 01, 2000
A Guide to Aeration/Circulation Techniques for Lake Management Arlo Fast, Marc Lorenzen, January 01, 1977
A Review of Proposed Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Objectives for the San Joaquin River Wayne Lifton, August 01, 1990
A Standard for the Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water July 01, 1984
A Tracer Investigation of Aerated Water Dispersion and Tidal Exchange in the San Joaquin River and Stockton Ship Channel - Figures Gary Litton,
A Tracer Investigation of Aerated Water Dispersion and Tidal Exchange in the San Joaquin River and Stockton Ship Channel - Report Gary Litton, Jorden Monroe, October 01, 2004
Aeration Demonstration Project
Aeration Performance of Low Drop Weirs Scott Hogan, Richard Walters, Chester Watson, January 01, 1998
Aeration Performance of Rectangular Planform Labyrinth Weirs Chau Chiu Tsang, Peter Wormleaton, May 01, 2000
Aeration Performance of Triangular Planform Labyrinth Weirs Ebrahim Soufiani, Peter Wormleaton, January 01, 1998
Aeration Research and Implementation Analysis Study for the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Tom Trexler, January 01, 2004
Aeration Technology Feasibility for the San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channel - DRAFT Report Russ Grimes, August 27, 2004
Aeration Technology Feasibility for the San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channel - Final Report Russ Grimes, October 18, 2004
Aeration Technology Performance - Russ T. Brown
Algal Oxygen Demand - Peggy Lehman
An SF6 Tracer Study of the Flow Dynamics in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel: Implications for Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics - Paul J. Schmieder, David T. Ho, Peter Schlosser, Jordan F. Clark, S. Geoffrey Schladow
Assessment of Water Quality Impacts: Alternatives for Management of San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Drainage Inc. Hydroscience, June 06, 1977
Bubbleless Fiber Aerator for Surface Waters Bryan Oakley, John Gulliver, Michael Semmens, Peter Weiss,
Calibration of SJR DO Model - Carl Chen, Wanteng Tsai
Central Valley RWQCB Regional Toxic Hot Spot Clean Up Plan for Dissolved Oxygen - 1999 April 01, 1999
Characteristics of Skimming Flow over Stepped Spillways N. Rajaratnam, M. Chamani, January 01, 1999
Chicago's Waterfalls Rita Robinson, January 01, 1994
City of Stockton Main Water Quality Control Plant 1969 Enlargement and Modification Study January 01, 1970
City of Stockton Water Quality Model Volume I: Model Development and Calibration Robert Schanz, Carl Chen, January 01, 1993
Conceptual Model for Dissolved Oxygen in the San Joaquin River - Preliminary Draft Craig Stevens, May 17, 2005
Conceptual Model for Dissolved Oxygen in the San Joaquin River
Coordination, Integration, Tech. Admin - G. Fred Lee
Cost Data for Aeration Techology Feasibility Report: Appendix A Mike Garello, August 01, 2004
DSM2 Studies to Investigate the Use of Auxiliary Flow Pumps Across South Delta Flow Structures - Final Report Hari Rajbhandari, Parviz Nader, Paul Hutton, October 31, 2002
Delta-Suisun Bay Ecological Studies: A Water Quality Data Report of the Coordinated Monitoring Program, Biological Methods and January 01, 1975
Demonstration Dissolved Oxygen Aeration Facility Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration February 01, 2005
Demonstration Dissolved Oxygen Aeration Facility Operations Performance Report - April 2010
Appendix A, Appendix B
Deposition Rates and Oxygen Demands in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel of the San Joaquin River - Final Report Gary Litton, January 01, 2003
Determination of Stream Reaeration Coefficients by use of Tracers L. DeLong, G. Parker, N. Yotsukura, R. Rathbun, F. Kilpatrick,
Development of an Efficient Aeration System for Aquaculture R. Farmer, Roger E. Arndt, January 01, 1995
Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics-Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay January 01, 1972
Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Stockton Ship Channel Stephen Hayes, Jeannie Lee, January 01, 2000
Dissolved Oxygen Study: Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel George Nichol, January 01, 1988
Draft Evaluation of Alternatives to Meet the Dissolved Oxygen Objectives of the Lower San Joaquin River Carl Chen, Wangteng Tsai, January 01, 1997
Effects of the 1995 Fall Pulse Flow on the Timing of Adult Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Migration into the Stanislaus River January 01, 1997
Effects of the Stockton Ship Channel Deepening on Dissolved Oxygen near the Port of Stockton, California (Phase II) Donald Smith, June 06, 1988
Engineering Methodology for River and Stream Reaeration January 01, 1971
Environmental Aspects of Artificial Aeration and Oxygenation of Reservoirs: A Review of Theory, Techniques, and Experiences Thomas Ginn, Marc Lorenzen, Robert Pastorok, January 01, 1982
Evaluation of Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Water Quality Model Simulation of 2001 Conditions:from the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Tidal Hydraulics and Downstream Tidal Exchange: Appendix A Russ Brown, Carl Chen, September 01, 2002
Experimental Development of a Novel Aeration Device Roger E. Arndt, V. Ramanathan,
Fall Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in the Stockton Ship Channel for 1997 Jeannie Lee, Stephen Hayes,
Fall Dissolved Oxygen Condtions in the Stockton Ship Channel for 1998 Stephen Hayes, Jeannie Lee, January 01, 1999
Hydraulic and Water Quality Investigation of the San Joaquin River near Stockton Thomas Bailey, January 01, 1964
In-Stream Hollow-Fiber Membrane Aeration Michael Semmens, John Gulliver, Peter Weiss, June 01, 1998
Initial Simulations of 2000–2003 Flows and Water Quality in the San Joaquin River Using the DSM2-SJR Model Russ Brown, January 20, 2005
Instream Aeration of Polluted Rivers S. Yu, F. Dittman, J. Hunter, William Whipple Jr., Burton Davidson,
Interagency Ecological Studies Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, 1992 Annual Report Perry Herrgesell, January 01, 1994
Issues in Developing the San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channel DO TMDL Anne Jones-Lee, G. Fred Lee, January 01, 2000
Jet Aeration of a Ship Channel Steve Slinkard, George Nichol, May 20, 1999
Late-Summer 1997 Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in the Stockton Ship Channel Stephen Hayes, December 01, 1997
Model of Dissolved Oxygen in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel
Modification of Design Approach to Aerated Lagoons Linvil Rich,
National Water-Quality Assessment Program - The San Joaquin-Tulare Basins Neil Dubrovsky, January 01, 1991
Optimal Allocation of Artificial Aeration Along a Polluted Stream Using Dynamic Programming Shin Chang,
Oxygen Transfer in Bubbly Turbulent Shear Flow Subhash Jain, Kyung Soo Jun,
Potential Solutions for Achieving the San Joaquin River Dissolved Oxygen Objectives January 01, 1998
Predictive Capabilities in Oxygen Transfer at Hydraulic Structures Kenneth Parkhill, Steven Wilhelms, John Gulliver,
Problems of the Lower San Joaquin River Influencing the 1963 Salmon Run
Process Control Model for Oxygen Regeneration of Polluted Streams Burton Davidson, J. Hunter,
San Joaquin Estuary near Stockton, California: An Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Regimen Albert Katko, William Pierce, Richard Bain Jr., January 01, 1968
San Joaquin River Dissolved Oxygen Aeration Project - Draft Engineering Feasibility Study APPENDIX A: Mike Garello, July 01, 2004
San Joaquin River Dissolved Oxygen Depletion Modeling
San Joaquin River Management Plan - 1995 February 01, 1995
San Joaquin River Water Quality Data Atlas Report Russ Brown, January 20, 2005
San Joaquin Valley Drainage Investigation, Appendix D: Waste Water Quality, Treatment, and Disposal Gordon Dugan, Thomas Tamblyn, January 01, 1969
Screening Criteria of Non-Aeration Linkages to Dissolved Oxygen Conditions - Summary of Draft Ratings Kevin Wolf, Mark Roberson, May 14, 2004
Sediment Deposition Rates & O2 Demand - Gary M Litton
Self-Aerated Flows on Chutes and Spillways H. Chanson,
Sources and Transport of Nutrients, Organic Carbon, and Chlorophyll-a in the San Joaquin River Upstream of Vernalis, California, during Summer and Fall, 2000 and 2001 (off-site link) Charlie Kratzer, P Dileanis, Brian Bergamaschi, Randy Dahlgren, Celia Zamora, Stephen Silva, Carol Kendall, January 01, 2004
Sources of Oxygen Demand in the Lower San Joaquin River, California Peggy Lehman, June 01, 2004
South Delta Barrier Modeling - Parviz Nader, Paul Hutton, Hari Rajbhandari
Statistical Model of DO in SJR - Erwin Van Nieuwenhuyse
Stockton Channel Water Quality Improvements Nutrient Data and Discussion - Revised DRAFT Gary Litton, May 01, 2001
Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Tidal Hydraulics and Downstream Tidal Exchange (off-site link) Russ Brown, September 01, 2002
Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Tracer Injection Study - Final Report Randy Bowersox, Bill Fleenor, Greg Schladow, January 10, 2001
Stockton-Delta Area Water Quality and Water Use Survey William Jopling, Gilbert Fraga,
Strawman Allocation of Responsibility Report - Draft (off-site link) Chris Foe, Mark Gowdy, Matthew McCarthy, January 01, 2002
Studies of Spawning Habitat for Fall-Run Chinook Salmon in the Stanislaus River Between Goodwin Dam and Riverbank from 1994 to 1997 (off-site link) Carl Mesick, September 28, 2001
Study of Water Uses and Pollution in Stanislaus River Basin, San Joaquin River Watershed January 01, 1953
Supporting Material for Progress Report: San Joaquin River Study, October 1975 Inc. Hydroscience,
Synopsis of Issues in Developing the San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channel DO TMDL Anne Jones-Lee, G. Fred Lee, August 01, 2000
The Causes and Control of Algal Blooms in Clear Lake Peter Richerson, Thomas Suchanek, Stephen Why, Thomas Smythe,
The Effects of Channel Deepening on Water Quality Factors in the San Joaquin River Near Stockton, California December 01, 1971
The Range of Choice in Water Management; a Study of Dissolved Oxygen in the Potomac Estuary Robert Davis,
Tracking sources and sinks of organic matter using and nitrate using isotropic techniques Steve Silva, Carol Kendall,
Upstream DO Demand Evaluation - Peter Dileanis, Charlie Kratzer
Upstream DO TMDL Project
Upstream Water Quality Model - Paul Hutton
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1984 Harlan Proctor,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1986 Shigeru Katsumata, Tom Young, John Baker, Stephen Hayes, Karl Jacobs, Katherine Triboli, Lloyd Brenn,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1987 Stephen Hayes,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1988 Stephen Hayes,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1989 Z. Hymanson, Stephen Hayes, Peggy Lehman,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during 1983
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during 1985 Chris Galvez, Lloyd Brenn, Walt Lambert, Katherine Triboli, John Baker, Karen Taberski, Karl Jacobs, Shigeru Katsumata, Harlan Proctor,
Water Quality Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 1970-1993 Peggy Lehman,
Water Quality Conditions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1990 Z. Hymanson, Peggy Lehman,
Water Quality Conditions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1991 Z. Hymanson, Peggy Lehman,
Water Quality Conditions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1992 Peggy Lehman,
Water Quality Conditions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta During 1994 Stephen Hayes,
Water-Quality Data, San Joaquin Valley, California, April 1987 to September 1988 L. Miller, L. Shelton,
Weir Aeration: Models and Unit Energy Consumption R. Speece, N. Nirmalakhandan, Ning Tang,
West Side Nutrients - William Stringfellow and Nigel Quinn

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