Resources - Data Sets
- San Joaquin River Water Quality Data Atlas
Author: Russ Brown
Date: May 2005
Summary: The SJR Water Quality Data Atlas (Data Atlas) was created
to give stakeholders, agencies, and other interested persons a rapid and consistent
method to access all available data on the SJR and DWSC flow and water quality conditions
for the 20-year period of 1984 to 2003. The Data Atlas includes flow and water quality
data from the SJR Stevinson gage (State Route [SR] 165 Bridge, also referred to as
Lander Avenue), downstream to the DWSC portion of the SJR. Tributary flow and water
quality data are included for the Merced, Tuolumne, and Stanislaus Rivers, as well
as Salt Slough and Mud Slough. Some basic tidal stage, salinity, and water quality
data from the Delta are included for reference. Figure 1 shows a map of the lower SJR
basin, with the major sampling stations included in the data atlas. The Data Atlas uses a
spreadsheet format to allow daily flow and water quality data to be graphed and evaluated.
Data Atlas users can rapidly review the 20- year sequence of flow and water quality
conditions in the SJR and DWSC. SJR flow and water quality patterns for a wide variety
of runoff conditions (i.e., seasonal flows) can be viewed in a series of annual graphs.
This allows periods with water quality conditions of interest (e.g. low dissolved oxygen
[DO] episodes) to be selected for more intensive analysis or for modeling evaluation. Data
Atlas users can add other graphs of special interest to the spreadsheet files.
To Obtain: Contact Russ Brown to obtain a CD of the Data Atlas -
916-737-3000 or rbrown@jsanet.com