Water-Quality Data, San Joaquin Valley, California, April 1987 to September 1988
L. Miller, L. Shelton
Publication Date:
Water quality data were collected at numerous surface water and ground water sites in the San Joaquin Valley, California, from April 1987 to September 1988. Streamflow was measured and water samples were collected for analysis of major ions, trace elements, suspended sediments, and some pesticides at 11 continuing-record sites on the San Joqauin River and major tributaries. Onsite measurements were made and water samples were collected for analysis of major ions, trace elements, and some pesticides at 163 ground-water sites in the western and southern San Joaquin Valley.
A bibliography of reports published as part of this investigation is in the appendix, and includes hydrologic and water-quality data.
To Obtain:
UC Berkeley Water
Resources Archive Collection