Determination of Stream Reaeration Coefficients by use of Tracers
L. DeLong, G. Parker, N. Yotsukura, R. Rathbun, F. Kilpatrick
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Prior to 1965, reaeration rate coefficients could be estimated only by indirect methods. In 1965, a direct method of measuring stream reaeration coefficents was developed whereby a radioactive tracer gas was injected into a stream - the principle being that the tracer gas would be desorbed from the stream inversely to how oxygen would be absorbed. The technique has since been modified by substituting hydrocarbon gases for the radioactive tracer gas. This manual describes the slug-injection and constant-rate-injection methods of measuring gas-tracer desorption. Emphasis is on the use of rhodamine WT dye as a relatively conservative tracer and propane as a nonconservative gas tracer, on planning field tests, on methods of injection, sampling, and analysis, and on techniques for computing desorption and reaeration coefficients.
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California State University Sacramento Main Stacks