City of Stockton Water Quality Model Volume I: Model Development and Calibration
Robert Schanz, Carl Chen
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This report describes the development and calibration of a computerized water quality model of the lower San Joaquin River system. This model simulates the transport of pollutants from the Stockton wastewater treatment outfall; based on upstream inflows, Delta water withdrawls, tides, and pollutant loading rates. The model includes a near-field component that simulates mixing and dilution in the immediate vicinity of the outfall, and a far-field component that simulates mass transport of pollutants through the river and Stockton shipping channel. The model has been calibrated against dye mixing data collected as part of this study, and water quality data collected by the City of Stockton for their discharge permit. This initial phase of the model focuses on critical water quality conditions during the dry season; later phases will also include a stormwater pollutant loading component. Includes biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorophyll data on the effluent, and dissolved oxygen and nitrogen data on the receiving water.
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California Regional Water Quality Control Board Library, Central